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Sunday, 4 November 2018

Rapist who tore girl’s private part arrested in Lagos

A serial rapist who tore a girl’s private part while committing the sad act and also left her with bruises, has been apprehended in Lagos.
Serial rapist who tore girl’s private part apprehended in Lagos lailasnews

It was gathered that the girl couldn’t talk or eat after being raped, has been taken to the hospital for treatment. The apprehended serial rapist who was forced to confess by the community leaders and also accept his punishments, is expected to make a public apology in the village square next week.
Facebook user Olorunfunmi Adebajo Olafimihan who shared the story wrote;
Thanks to Stand To End Rape, we are providing counselling for the girl. She went with her counsellor and Sam to the Mirabel center for medicals. She has a tear in her v@gina, bruises all over her body and abrasions to her wrists. She’s neither eating nor talking. Her mother will be counselled too (why would you beat your daughter for being raped!)
After a 3 hour discussion with the Baale, youth leaders and other community men, we extracted a statement from him.
The final verdict is in his statement as seen in the photo below. The public apologies will be done next Friday at the village square.
We can’t involve the police (yet) because it’s a community steeped in culture and tradition. Everyone is related to everyone else so the family of the girl is not really pushing for justice. We decided that it has to be a punishment agreed upon by the entire community else our safety would be at stake.
We have threatened to involve the police (and indict the community as enablers) if they don’t fulfil their part of ensuring he complies with the punishment.
The other girls in class thanked us profusely. A serial rapist is finally being shamed.
Serial rapist who tore girl’s private part apprehended in Lagos lailasnews 1

Serial rapist who tore girl’s private part apprehended in Lagos lailasnews 2

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