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Monday, 5 November 2018

Nigerian writer shares his encounter with a suicidal Taxify driver while driving along 3rd Mainland Bridge

"That water calls out to me" Nigerian writer shares his encounter with a suicidal Taxify driver while driving along 3rd Mainland Bridge
The rate at which people commit suicide by jumping from the 3rd mainland Bridge to the lagoon below has increased over the past 1 year and it seems more people are having suicidal ideation.
Nigerian writer, Jude Idada has narrated an encounter he had with a Taxify driver who has 4 kids and barely makes enough to take care of them. 
Idada said that during the journey, as they drove along the Third Mainland Bridge, the driver looked over at the water beneath and revealed that he hates journeying past the bridge because the water calls him and promises to end his problems.
He said:
That is why I hate taking trips across the bridge. Every day that water calls out to me. It tells me that it can end all my pain. I just want to park the car, get out and just jump into it.
But, he said thoughts of his kids and how they will cope when he's gone is what keeps him from answering the call.
But then I think of my children. It is not their fault that they were born into such suffering. If I die now, what will happen to them?
Even if any man marries my wife, will he raise my children like I would have raised them?
I tell you, death is a seductress. It tells you that it can take away your pain in an instant. It tells you that when you land in that water you will not drown, once you slam into that water, it is like slamming into concrete. You will die instantly. Just like that everything will end.
But will it truly end? Is that the solution? Will I be able to rest easy in death if I know that the children I have brought into this world are alive and suffering?
Read the rest of the narrative below.

"That water calls out to me" Nigerian writer shares his encounter with a suicidal Taxify driver while driving along 3rd Mainland Bridge
"That water calls out to me" Nigerian writer shares his encounter with a suicidal Taxify driver while driving along 3rd Mainland Bridge
"That water calls out to me" Nigerian writer shares his encounter with a suicidal Taxify driver while driving along 3rd Mainland Bridge

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